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Thursday, August 16, 2012

BBC News - Tony Nicklinson loses High Court right-to-die case


The justice given by the apex court on Mr. Jane Nicklinson's appeal on 'right-to die' seems and sounds absolutely right because, as per my opinion, if assisted suicide  would be legally granted, multiples of legal complications may take birth in the society with its reference.

Assisted suicide should not be  granted judicially in the interest of humanity although we have deep sympathetic feeling for the severe health condition of the victim Mr. Jane Nicklinson.

May he be blessed! Amen!

   - A.R.Shams's Reflection  -  Press & Online Publications.

1 comment:

  1. Tony Nicklinson loses High Court right-to-die case 5:58pm on 16 Aug 2012 The justice given by the apex court on Mr. Jane Nicklinson's appeal on 'right-to die' seems and sounds absolutely right because, as per my opinion, if assisted suicide would be legally granted, multiples of legal complications may take birth in the society with its reference.

    Assisted suicide should not be granted judicially in the interest of humanity although we..

    May he be blessed! Amen!
