Comment / Opinion / Concern:
One who is not scared of nightmare sleeps like a baby.
- A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press & Online Publications.
Comment / Opinion / Concern: One should avoid in-taking heavy foods after a long time's fasting because that may cause various complications in his/her physical system. - A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press & Online Publications. ... |
Comment / Opinion / Concern:
Tussle among big fishes make the poor little fishes to suffer.
- A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press & Online Publications. |
HEALTH AWARENESS: Care for babies with food allergies needs special immediate study.NEW YORK: Babies with life-threatening allergic reactions to milk or egg often don't get prompt treatment, despite their caretakers having been given medicine to counter the attacks, a new government-funded study shows. - A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press & Online Publications. |
Comment / Opinion / Concern: Power crisis in the country means inefficiency of the Government who should apply strategic manners in eliminating this hardship from the country because load-shedding etc. are the major causes of drawback in economy and progress of the country besides other negative factors. - A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press & Online Publications. |
Comment / Opinion / Concern: Recycling system has made possible even waste particles to get in use , e.g. chicken manure now in China is used to produce gas, which is applied in production of electricity. - A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press & Online Publications. |
Comment / Opinion / Concern: What happens to the destitute patients when doctors go on strike is really highly and deeply considerable. - A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press & Online Publications. |
Comment / Opinion / Concern: A nation and its true leaders should learn to know who are their friends but not masters. - A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press & Online Publications. |
Comment / Opinion / Concern: Evil soul Sandusky is not the only the one who was playing tricks with innocent and immature children especially for hunting them for sex abuse. There seems others too likewise his nature in our society. Their grip is so unexplainable in words that in the light of the incident of his capture and confining to prison should stand as great lesson for the parents and they should keep themselves alert and explore more facts and figures about how dangerous sch nasty souls can be for their children. Hence they (the parents) should take needful steps towards protecting their children out of such dangerous people so that they (their children) can live, walk, go and come freely without any fear of such inhuman nature wolves in future. - A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press & Online Publications. |
Comment / Opinion / Concern: Amazing & Interesting! - A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press & Online Publications.. |
Comment / Opinion / Concern: Sounds absolutely logical. - A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press & Online Publications. |
So immoral human found moving in the society committing heinous crime concerning to innocent young bodies and minds yet they are very late to be caught to bring to judiciary to have declared to be jailed for 442 years only. In the punishment rewarded for his nasty deeds there should have some other heavier punishments including money and wealth. To be noted here too that there are numerous such 'Jerry Sanduskys' in the society of our lovely world in different names who just need to be sorted out. |
BODY AND HEALTH AWARENESS: Amazing & interesting! |
Comment / Opinion / Concern: May the newly elected head of the Government succeeding the previous disqualified one supersede the others by maximum possible virtuous deeds expelling corruptions in the country towards making it prosperous by leaps and bounds. - A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press & Online Publications. |
Comment / Opinion / Concern: May only the least corrupted candidate be elected! - A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press & Online Publications. |
Comment / Opinion / Concern: If in case Breivik's defense lawyer succeeds in having proved that his client was sane when he committed brutal murders and also if it is proved that he is still sane, the apex court may obviously declare his (Breivik's) death sentence as the appropriate punishment for him in the light of the facts and evidences. - A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press & Online Publications. |
Comment / Opinion / Concern: Notwithstanding, The nation / country urgently needs the least corrupted P.M. as the successor of the rejected P.M. Mr. Gilani to proceed furthermore or a fresh election is the need of the time so that people can have elected their most favorite and suitable leaders to govern the country to escape it up out of the suffocation it is in now and that needs to be undertaken in strategic manner, not whimsically. - A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press & Online Publications. |
HEALTH AWARENESS LOS ANGELES: Minimally-invasive weight loss surgery is safer than open surgery, with patients suffering fewer complications during those procedures, according to a new study of more than 150,000 people who had a gastric bypass in the United States. |
Comment / Opinion / Concern: As and when an apology stands as due / over-due on someone that should be done without furthermore delay giving some lame excuses, whereas, the more time it takes to apologize, apology plus something becomes the need to continue with growing friendship, collaboration and diplomatic relationship towards cultivating an everlasting favorable environment. . - A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press & Online Publications. |
Comment / Opinion / Concern: May the least corrupted one be elected as the leader of the people to run the Government as its head! - A.R.Shams's Reflection |
Comment / Opinion / Concern: Insane people caught committing crimes as severe as killing freely around declaring himself / herself as an extremist in his / her self formulated mission should be kept confined to prison where he / she can be given proper treatment for the nature of disease he / she has been suffering from because his / her free move around may cause severe harm to the others creating unrest, confusion, comfort ability that should be remain in the society. - A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press & online Publications. |
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Fellows who sexually abuse the youngsters seem possessing no mind and soul and such ones should be sorted out of the society and brought to the judiciary to have them declared as worst possible sinners to be kept confined to sinners asylum, the prison till their death facing rigorous punishment so that none can ever in future think even to commit such heinous crime to spoil the victims' life.
- A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press & Online Publications.