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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Lady health workers protest at PM Secretariat -

Lady health workers protest at PM Secretariat -

Health related workers devote themselves in their virtuous humanitarian deeds concerning to health, the real wealth of humans, hence they essentially deserve safety well enough carefully and responsively provided by the Government as much as possible.

- A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press and Online Publications.

China to open worlds longest high-speed rail line -

China to open worlds longest high-speed rail line -


- A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press and Online Publications.

Never tried to play role of administration: CJ -

Never tried to play role of administration: CJ -

 A true and competent judiciary can capably keep the country / nation on the tract to run smoothly proceeding towards prosperity as strong, grand and majestic provided that the nation and its Government and non-government institutions / organizations co-operate with it sincerely and persistently.

     - A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press and Online Publications.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

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WHO head warns diseases set to rise -

WHO head warns diseases set to rise -


// HONGKONG: The head of the World Health Organization warned Thursday that infectious diseases will spread more easily in the future due to globalization, changing lifestyles and rising population densities............//

     - A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press and Online Publications.