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Friday, October 19, 2012

Will Blacks Vote for Obama “Because He’s Black”? | TIME Ideas |

Will Blacks Vote for Obama “Because He’s Black”? | TIME Ideas |

image: President Barack Obama pauses while speaking during a campaign event at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, Oct. 17, 2012.

An ideal  leader irrespective his / her differences of any kind  should possess the first and foremost quality is he / she must be a humanitarian nature fellow.

     - A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press and Online Publications

Debate Discomfort: Was There Too Much Tension? | TIME Ideas |

Debate Discomfort: Was There Too Much Tension? | TIME Ideas |
 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama spar over energy policy during the second presidential debate at Hofstra University, Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012, in Hempstead, N.Y.

 By the by if in case neither of the presidential candidates, Obama or Romney  can convince the voters to elect the either, I just wonder, who could be the third one to supersede the both in quality, personality, capability, experience, positive and so on to become the next president of America, the one that would be popular nationally and intentionally as well.

    - A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press and Online Publications

SC orders action against Beg, Durrani -

SC orders action against Beg, Durrani -

The apex Supreme Court of Pakistan should always seem and sound doing splendid as it seemingly does nowadays on judicial justified justification towards making the nation / country free from corruptions and as a result the nation / country
can be hoped to get back to the track for a smooth run towards its real destination that leads to prosperity in a reasonable pace.

- A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press and Online Publications

Risky rescue of trapped elephant

Risky rescue of trapped elephant


Baby elephant rescued from a water well in Kenya 

 - A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press and Online Publications

Obesity surgery is good for the heart: research -

Obesity surgery is good for the heart: research -


// PARIS: Bariatric surgery to help the obese shed weight also reduces risks of cardiovascular disease, according to a review published on Wednesday in the specialist journal Heart.......//

     - A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press and Online Publications

Worlds biggest school gives Indian kids lessons for life -

Worlds biggest school gives Indian kids lessons for life -

Healthy Montessori system of education properly maintained can give healthy education to youngsters for their brilliant success in life and ultimately making the nation proud of their well trained younger generations , like as, Montessori School in the Indian city of Lucknow with 39,437 registered pupils in the 2010-2011 academic year.

- A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press and Online Publications

Culling of infected Australian sheep resumes -

Culling of infected Australian sheep resumes -

Meat for eating purpose must be from  healthy animals when they are slaughtered, otherwise, in-taking meat of ill health animals can be dangerously risky.

     - A.R.Shams's Reflection - Press and Online Publications